Chihuahua Puppies IN

                                         Chihuahua Puppies

Chihuahua Puppies

                    Chihuahua Puppies Unique Personality

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Chihuahua’s personality is, to say the least, contradictory at times. AKC describes the Chihuahua as “graceful, charming, and sassy”. This is certainly a unique combination, and one that most owners would agree with. When owners of Chihuahua Puppies are asked to describe their dogs, the words most used are ‘loving’ and ‘loyal’; but also ‘feisty’, ‘shy’, and ‘lazy’. A few people even mentioned ‘aggressive’ and Cuddle bugs. If it seems confusing that owners report both feisty and shy Chihuahuas; hyper and lazy ones; and aggressive and friendly dogs, there is something to keep in mind.        Chihuahua Puppies Info

                           Is A Chihuahua Puppy Aggressive ?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Through this breed’s entire journey through the centuries from the watch dog to the adored, indoor companion, one thing is clear: The Chihuahua Puppies behavior is a defensive mechanism. In most situations, a dog as small as the Chihuahua will retreat (be cautious, shy, and/or nervous) or confront (bark or be aggressive). This  breed is also incredibly sensitive to its surroundings. How a  Chihuahua Puppy is treated and trained will have a significant impact on its behavior. This is applicable to both puppies and adults. Naturally, the Chihuahua is friendly, non-aggressive little dog, that rather to confront retreats in a sticky situation

                                         Can You Train  Chihuahuas? 

Your Chihuahuas Puppies personality will be shaped by you.  You will play a big role in your Chihuahua’s personality, and this is particularly true if you have the opportunity to be there from the 8 1/2 week mark on. However, behavior is shaped by owners to a certain degree regardless of the dog’s age. And even if some behaviors or habits are ingrained, the right training techniques can bring about improvement, and in some cases, complete turnaround. A vital component of shaping your Chihuahuas Puppies personality is to determine and clarify your goals. It’s safe to say that you’d prefer a rather quiet dog that perhaps only barks when there is a valid reason. The anther is Yes.

                                     Do Chihuahuas Like to Cuddle?

 My Chihuahua Puppies  are cuddlebugs, some more than others.  My boy Chico loves to rest on my shoulder when I sit. Mila, my smallest girl, loves to sit in my lap, but tends to get stepped by the others crowding in, so she waits until bedtime to cuddle up beneath the blanket with me. Annie likes to lie by my legs, so she can feel me and still watch the room. Gigi is shy, and likes to be close, but doesn’t want to be squished.  Mookie likes to be right in your face. She doesn’t care whose face it is, she cuddles with whomever she can find. Anther Yes.

                      Are Chihuahua Puppies Well-Behaved And Friendly?

Who wouldn’t like a nice friendly Chihuahua Puppy that likes children and other animals, and knows how to behave, especially when you have visitors. Who wants  for their dog going crazy on a leash? I sure don’t. Wouldn’t you like your Chihuahua Puppy to accompany you as you go on adventures? Envision the social skillset that you’d like your Chihuahua to have, and embark on the journey there together. Don’t leave your Chihuahua’s personality up to chance, your everyday actions and purposeful training methods will help cultivate your Chihuahua Puppies acceptance, tolerance, and ability to interact with you and the rest of the world in a positive way.  Anther Yes.

                                  Key Is To Have The Right Foundation  

The bigest roll you take in your Chihuahua Puppies life is the leader role. Once your dog sees you as the questionable leader, you can set the tone and place for every socialization and training that your Chihuahua Puppy needs. Remember To be a fair, forgiving, and loving leader. After all when training a puppy, he is just a baby, and when training an adult, he was not taught any better. It is equally important to show. Unconditional love to your Chihuahua.(pet.) As it is to everyone else in the household. This will have the biggest effect on your Chihuahuas personality and allover happiness level. Your actions and words are always in play. Speak to your puppy with kindness.

                                                  Teaching Proper Hierarchy

Whether it is just you and your Chihuahua or a house filled with both people and pets your actions and words are always in play. Speak to your Chihuahua with kindness, Very few dogs can be happy when they are spoken to harshly. And, take the time to lovingly and routinely interact with your puppy or dog. Very few dogs are content when ignored, and just expected to ‘be there’.  Dogs, even puppies do pick up vibes when there is too much stress or arguments and fights are going on in the family. Work to create peace with yourself, and in your household, if it isn’t already there. It will be beneficial for everyone around.

Chihuahua Puppies IN Will Anther Your Questions